The Tennessee Stud WF - Show Time!

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G2 was one of the easiest horses to train, ever. With just 30 days of training, he acted like an absolute pro. Which meant that rather than getting finished out properly, he took a back burner to the paid training horses and the horses who had issues that needed addressing. Sort of a case of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." I could pop on him and ride whenever I wanted and he was the same horse each time, so Jarred wasn't in a hurry to get to him. G2 could sit for 4 months, I could pull him out and trail ride with mares in heat and other stallions and G2 was a perfect gentleman so Jarred rolled his eyes and said "he's fine" when I insisted he needed to be finished. People would come to see him to consider him for their mares and Jarred would pull G2 up, hop on him bareback and he'd walk and shake like he was bred to do...but I knew that with more riding time he'd learn to carry his rider more efficiently and then people could really see what he could do. When Mikal Spooner came to our farm to drop off G2's full sister that I had bred to her stallion, I talked her into taking G2 home with her to finish him for me and give him a chance to go to some shows and be seen.

She took him at the very end of November, 2021 to begin to prepare him. He had to have his wolf teeth out, so that took off some time she could work him. She didn't have much time to turn him from chubby gentleman of (mostly) leisure into the athlete it requires to show, but in 3 months of work she readied him for the Four Beats for Pleasure show in Camden, SC. I was THRILLED when he showed up and looked around as if he were on just another happy adventure (he LOVES adventures.) Nobody even realized he was a stallion (except the DQP, who was surprised to find such a quiet horse was still in possession of his manly bits.) I wasn't expecting ribbons at his first show, as he's never been out before and he'd be competing against talented horses who had been in training for MUCH longer than he had, but he brought home a ribbon in every class. (I'll update the places when they post them to his record, as I've mixed up which classes he got what in...but he got four 2nd places, three 3rd's and two 4ths). Mikal plans to start him on the versatility path and we will be cheering him on every step of the way!

WHOA Highpoints Standing for 2022

Date Show Class Place Entries Rider
3-18-2022 to 3-20-2022 Four Beats For Pleasure
Camden, SC
Country Pleasure Open 2 Gait English 2 2 Spooner, Mikal
Country Pleasure Open Western 2 Gait 2 3 Spooner, Mikal
TWH Pleasure Green Rider 2 Gait OT 3 3 Langston, Stephanie
TWH Pleasure Green Horse Open 2 Gait OT 2 5 Langston, Jarred
TWH Pleasure Novice Horse 2 Gait Open OT 3 6 Spooner, Mikal
Country Pleasure Amateur 2 Gait Western 4 6 Langston, Jarred
 TWH Pleasure Western Open 2 Gait 3 6 Spooner, Mikal
Country Pleasure Amateur 2 Gait English 4 5 Langston, Jarred
4-2-2022 Pine Rock Farm Show Series 1
Kittrell, NC
Country Pleasure English Adult 2 Gait 2 7 Spooner, Mikal
Novice Rider E/W 2 Gait 5 11 Murray, Kaitlin
Jack Benny E/W 2 Gait 2 8 Spooner, Mikal
Country Pleasure Western Adult 2 Gait 2 7 Spooner, Mikal
4-14-22 to 4-15-22 Eastern NC Jubilee
Williamston, NC
Country Pleasure Open 2-gait English 3 4 Spooner, Mikal
Country Pleasure Amateur 2 Gait English 2 3 Langston, Stephanie
Country Pleasure Amateur 2-gait Western 4 5 Langston, Jarred
TWH Pleasure Novice Rider 2-gait OT 2 3 Langston, Stephanie
Country Pleasure Open 2-gait Western 3 4 Spooner, Mikal
TWH Pleasure All Divisions Novice Horse 2 Gait 1 2 Langston, Jarred
6-24-22 to 6-25-22 June Jubilee
Lake Waccamaw, NC
Dressage Intro 5   Spooner, Mikal
Western Dressage Intro 6   Spooner, Mikal
Model Stallions 4   Spooner, Mikal
001 Country Pleasure Open 2-gait English 3 4 Spooner, Mikal
058 TWH Pleasure All Divisions Novice Horse 2-gait OT 1 2 Langston, Jarred
054 TWH PLeasure NOvice Rider 2-gait OT 2 3 Langston, Stephanie
062 Country Pleasure Amateur 2-gait Western 4 5 Langston, Jarred
068 Country Pleasure Open 2-gait Western 3 3 Langston, Jarred
10-15-22 to 10-16-22 Four Beats for Pleasure Fall Classic
Camden, SC
      Spooner, Mikal
11-4-22 to 11-5-22 PPWHANC Fall Frenzy
Chatham, VA
010 TWH Pleasure Novice Two Gait Western 1 1 Spooner, Mikal
015 Trail Pleasure Open 3 Gait Western 1 1 Spooner, Mikal
030 Any Gaited Breed Amateur 2 Gait English     Spooner, Mikal
048 Trail Pleasure Open 2 Gait Western 2 2 Spooner, Mikal
060 Any Gaited Breed 2 Gait Open English 3 4 Spooner, Mikal
067 Trail Pleasure Open 3 Gait English     Spooner, Mikal

Westwood Farms - Locust Dale, Virginia 22948 - - 540-825-1300